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The revelation that God has given to the apostles, the testimony of the Holy Spirit through Scripture itself, the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every follower of Christ, rational (sane) thought, scientific method, and any other measure other than the creative rationalizations (insane stories) of the skeptics, all confirm the historical, material, and spiritual accuracy of every part of Scripture from the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation.

Prophetic book of Isaiah.  Prophecies of the Messiah.

1. Judah judged for rebellion--religious activity means nothing without obedience--let us reason together: wash and be clean; stop doing evil and do good--Zion corrupt but will be redeemed

2. the Kingdom will be established in the last days--a day of reckoning

3. God will remove everything--God will judge--proud and seductive women will be afflicted

4. God's remnant

5. the parable of the vineyard--woe to the wicked

6. the vision of Isaiah in the year King Uzziah died--Who will go--Here I am; send me

7. Jerusalem at war--Isaiah meets Ahaz==Immanuel--the coming trials of Judah

8. hasten the spoiling; Damascus and Samaria--the remnant who believe

9. prophecy of the birth and reign of the Prince of Peace--Ephraim's judgment

10. woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees--Assyria--the remnant to return

11. Messaih's Kingdom restored--the remnant restored

12. thankfulness for Messaih's Kingdom

13. prophecies regarding Babylon--the Day of Judgment--prophecy: Babylon to fall

14. God to have compassion on Jacob will taunt the king of Babylon--Assyria judged--Philistia judged

15. Moab judged

16. Moab devastated

17. Damascus judged--Samaria judged

18. woe to Ethiopia

19. Egypt judged

20. Egypt and Ethiopia judged

21. Babylon Judged--Edom/Dumah judged--Arabia judged

22. the valley of vision: a prophecy against Jerusalem

23. Tyre judged

24. the earth judged--great tribulation

25. song of praise for Kingdom blessings

26. song of praise for Kingdom safety--the wicked are judged but don't understand

27. Leviathan punished--Israel delivered in the Kingdom

28. Ephraim's judgment--scoffers with influence and power are warned

29. Jerusalem judged: draw near with their words, but their minds are far from Me--discipline, then blessing

30. warning against dependance on Egypt--God's grace and justice

31. depend on God rather than Egypt

32. the coming King will reign righteously

33. Assyria judged for destroying Jerusalem

34. the nations judged

35. the coming Kingdom

36. Sennacherib of Assyria taunts God

37. Isaiah prophesies--Hezekiah prays--God speaks through Isaiah--Assyria devastated

38. Hezekiah is healed

39. Hezekiah shows off his treasure to the king of Babylon--what have you done?

40. God's greatness and Israel's deliverance

41. comfort and encouragement because of God's greatness

42. prophecy concerning God's servant--the people's inability to see

43. Israel restored--Israel as God's witness--coming destruction of Babylon--where Israel fell short

44. God's blessings on Israel--silliness of idolatry--forgiveness and redemption from God

45. how God used Cyrus--Righteousness from above--the power and authority of God

46. idols versus the true God

47. Babylon destroyed

48. stubborn Israel is chastised and deliverance is promised

49. the Messiah's mission: salvation to the end of the earth--the promise to Zion

50. the obedience of Messiah and God's help for Him

51. Israel encouraged

52. wake up--you sold yourselves for nothing--My people shall know My name--good news--salvation

53. who has believed our report and seen the revelation--Jesus bore our griefs and carried our sorrows away

54. restoration promised

55. Messiah offers universal mercy to all who desire it

56. obedience rewarded--Messiah's warning for the wicked

57. Messiah's warning for the wicked leaders

58. Messiah's blessing for true worshipers--Sabbath: rest from seeking your own pleasure and speaking your own word

59. sin and separation from God

60. the glory of the Kingdom

61. the good news of the Messiah

62. the new Jerusalem and the new name

63. judgment of the nations--God's history of showing mercy, the remnant--God is Father

64. prayer for God's mercy and help

65. God's answer to the rebellious remnant--new heavens and a new earth

66. God's throne--hypocrisy--coming joy


Last updated: Jan, 2013

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