Revelation |
Bible Study ToolRevelation |
Often called the Apocalypse (literally, the removal of the veil), the Revelation of things that were to happen in the future was given to the apostle John on the <"" /> 1. the unveiling of Jesus Christ which God gave to Him.--the vision of Christ among the seven candlesticks--first instructions of Christ to John 2. message to Ephesus--message to Smyrna--message to Pergamum--message to Thyatira 3. message to Sardis--message to Philadelphia--message to Laodicea 4. the scene in heaven, the Throne of God, Jesus the door--worshiping the Creator God 5. the book with seven seals--angels worship the Lamb 6. first seal: rider on a white horse (conquest)--second seal: rider on a red horse (war)--third seal: rider on a black horse (famine)--fourth seal: rider on a pale horse (death and hades)--fifth seal: the great day of God's wrath: martyrs killed because of the word of God--sixth seal: a great earthquake; the sun turns black; the moon as blood; stars fell to earth; heaven departs as a scroll, mountains and islands are moved, fear and terror 7. do no harm until we have sealed the bond-slaves of God--144,000 Jews--a great multitude of gentiles 8. the seventh seal: one half hour of silence, the censor, seven angels with seven trumpets--the first four trumpets sound with terrible tribulations following each 9. the fifth trumpet: the bottomless pit opened--the sixth trumpet: an army and terrible judgment but they would not repent 10. an angel with a little book 11. the two witnesses--the seventh trumpet: Christ's Kingdom 12. the woman (the church) giving birth to a son--the red dragon--the child is born and caught up to God and His throne--the woman flees from the dragon--war in heaven and the dragon and his angels cast out--the dragon is angry so the dragon tried to persecute the woman, but she was protected 13. the beast coming out of the sea--the beast coming out of the earth 14. the Lamb and 144,000 on Zion (a type of the Kingdom)--three angels make announcement--God's judgment on all who worship the beast--the harvest of the earth 15. seven angels with seven vials of God's wrath 16. six vials of God's wrath poured out--armageddon--the seventh vial of God's wrath 17. Babylon and the great harlot--war against the Lamb and the Lamb will overcome them 18. Babylon fallen--the earth mourning over Babylon--heaven rejoicing over Babylon 19. people in heaven rejoicing--the marriage supper of the Lamb--heaven opened and Christ revealed--judgment of the beast and false prophet 20. Satan bound for 1,000 years--reigning with Christ for 1,000 years--at the end of the 1,000 years Satan is freed and quickly judged and thrown into the lake of fire--the great white throne judgment: the dead raised and judged--those not found in the book of life are thrown into the lake of fire 21. a new heaven and a new earth--the new Jerusalem 22. the river and the tree of life--final messages |
God has established the pattern of Scripture, for life and for the Church. |