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The revelation that God has given to the apostles, the testimony of the Holy Spirit through Scripture itself, the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every follower of Christ, rational (sane) thought, scientific method, and any other measure other than the creative rationalizations (insane stories) of the skeptics, all confirm the historical, material, and spiritual accuracy of every part of Scripture from the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation.

Often called the Apocalypse (literally, the removal of the veil), the Revelation of things that were to happen in the future was given to the apostle John on the <"" />Island of Patmos.  Many of these prophecies have already been fulfilled and some are yet to come.

1. the unveiling of Jesus Christ which God gave to Him.--the vision of Christ among the seven candlesticks--first instructions of Christ to John

2. message to Ephesus--message to Smyrna--message to Pergamum--message to Thyatira

3. message to Sardis--message to Philadelphia--message to Laodicea

4. the scene in heaven, the Throne of God, Jesus the door--worshiping the Creator God

5. the book with seven seals--angels worship the Lamb

6. first seal: rider on a white horse (conquest)--second seal: rider on a red horse (war)--third seal: rider on a black horse (famine)--fourth seal: rider on a pale horse (death and hades)--fifth seal: the great day of God's wrath: martyrs killed because of the word of God--sixth seal: a great earthquake; the sun turns black; the moon as blood; stars fell to earth; heaven departs as a scroll, mountains and islands are moved, fear and terror

7. do no harm until we have sealed the bond-slaves of God--144,000 Jews--a great multitude of gentiles

8. the seventh seal: one half hour of silence, the censor, seven angels with seven trumpets--the first four trumpets sound with terrible tribulations following each

9. the fifth trumpet: the bottomless pit opened--the sixth trumpet: an army and terrible judgment but they would not repent

10. an angel with a little book

11. the two witnesses--the seventh trumpet: Christ's Kingdom

12. the woman (the church) giving birth to a son--the red dragon--the child is born and caught up to God and His throne--the woman flees from the dragon--war in heaven and the dragon and his angels cast out--the dragon is angry so the dragon tried to persecute the woman, but she was protected

13. the beast coming out of the sea--the beast coming out of the earth

14. the Lamb and 144,000 on Zion (a type of the Kingdom)--three angels make announcement--God's judgment on all who worship the beast--the harvest of the earth

15. seven angels with seven vials of God's wrath

16. six vials of God's wrath poured out--armageddon--the seventh vial of God's wrath

17. Babylon and the great harlot--war against the Lamb and the Lamb will overcome them

18. Babylon fallen--the earth mourning over Babylon--heaven rejoicing over Babylon

19. people in heaven rejoicing--the marriage supper of the Lamb--heaven opened and Christ revealed--judgment of the beast and false prophet

20. Satan bound for 1,000 years--reigning with Christ for 1,000 years--at the end of the 1,000 years Satan is freed and quickly judged and thrown into the lake of fire--the great white throne judgment: the dead raised and judged--those not found in the book of life are thrown into the lake of fire

21. a new heaven and a new earth--the new Jerusalem

22. the river and the tree of life--final messages

Last updated: Jan, 2013

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