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The Real Church is Not Only God's METHOD to Bring Us to Fulfillment, but it IS the Fulfillment


Ephesians 3:10 To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

The Truth brings Righteousness.  Lies bring sin. 

We need to discern the Body of Christ.  

By the Church...

The Spirit of God has been moving mightily to begin to perfect His church.  We know, from Scripture, that God will be bringing His church together--and we have certainly seen this among those who are called of God.  John 17:21-23

So much of what is put forward as being the Church is not the Church at all. Man-made rituals and religious flim-flam are not the Church. Stiff formalism. Rock and roll entertainment services. Unholiness. Infighting and bickering. Programs. Independent and maverick "ministries." Name it and claim it. The list could go on and on.

The Church is a very specific thing and it is defined very precisely in the Bible.  Every Scriptural pattern must be restored.  The Church must be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.  Only God can perfect His Church, and that is exactly what God is now in the process of doing. 

There is very little Biblical preaching on the Church and the Church's structure and purpose. There is a great deal of twisting of Scripture to fit what has become a perverted and twisted Church. It's no wonder that people are leaving the traditional churches by groves. Many churches are not following the Scriptural order or teaching the truth, and the Holy Spirit is calling the people of God to build the Temple according to the Pattern of Scripture.

Matthew 16:18  And I say also to thee, That thou art Peter (Petros lit. little stone), and upon this rock (Petra lit. mighty boulder) I will build my church (Ecclessia Lit: called out ones); and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  The Rock, of course, is Christ Himself.  Peter is a small stone to be built upon that Rock of Christ.

To have Christ in us fully and us fully in Christ is complete fulfillment.

We know that to have Christ in us, we had to be born again, not in our own way--but God's way.  We have Christ in us, but we also have the old nature, the flesh in us.

In the same way, we cannot be "in Christ' in our own way.  God has a way, and we must do it His way.  To be in Christ is to be in the Kingdom. The fleshly and worldly ways cannot co-exist with the Kingdom ways.

The Church is called out of the world.  It is the New Jerusalem and it is Zion.  It is the Kingdom of the Heavens.  To be in Christ is to be in Christ the Body or the Body of Christ.  To the extent that we have fully entered into our ministry and we have allowed God to assemble the Church according to the pattern of Scripture, we are in Christ.  


Last updated: Dec, 2011
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The Real Church is Not Only God's METHOD to Bring Us to Fulfillment, but it IS the Fulfillment

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