The False Criteria Fallacy / Fallacy of Questionable Criteria occurs when irrelevant standards are applied to test the truth or the falsity of a proposition.
Sandy: "Prove God to me."
Rocky: "God has made Himself obvious in the things that He has created. In fact, He says that He is known so well through His creation that anyone who refuses to acknowledge Him is without excuse. Not only that, but everyone who seeks Jesus Christ finds Jesus Christ. This is testable. If you really want to know the truth, if you are really searching for goodness and righteousness, then you can come to Him in sincerity, respect, and humility and He will reveal Himself to you. If neither of those options are good enough for you, what kind of proof are you looking for?"
Sandy: "Just show me a miracle or let me see God."
Rocky: "Even if you saw a miracle, you wouldn't submit to God. God says that those who refuse to come to Jesus and submit to Him are resistant because they love darkness rather than light. They don't come because their own works are evil. Guess what? You can't even prove that the Sun exists to someone who wants to be willingly ignorant."
Sandy: "The Sun is a physical entity."
Rocky: "What Sun?"
Sandy: "You know. The big ball in the sky that shines light on everything."
Rocky: "Prove that such a thing exists."
Sandy: "Look in the sky."
Rocky: "Why should I look in the sky at something that doesn't exist? Then I would be just as stupid as you for believing in the Sun."
Sandy: "Don't be ridiculous. The Sun exists."
Rocky: "If it exists, then prove it's existence."
Sandy: "I could show you thousands of peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals that reference the Sun."
Rocky: "Why should I believe some things that are written in these journals?"
Sandy: "Because they are written by scientists--really smart people."
Rocky: "Prove to me that those scientific journals are trustworthy and without error."
Sandy: "I never said they were without error, but you can trust them."
Rocky: "They have errors and I should trust them? Give me a break."