The Logical Fallacy of the Perfect Solution / Nirvana Fallacy / Perfect Solution Fallacy / Perfectionist Fallacy occurs when that which is real is compared to unrealistic, idealized alternatives, then rejecting a conclusion or solution because it doesn't meet some definition of perfection. It is often suggesting that there is no sense in doing anything since it won't be perfect. It is also the tendency to think that there is a perfect solution when no such thing is available. Sometimes, it takes the form of simple complaining. Note that this does not mean that we can be dogmatic about conclusions that are based only on fallacies.
Sandy: "Sure, neo-Darwinism has a few problems, but science doesn't work by perfect solutions. We know unequivocally that Darwinism is fact and that the Book of Genesis is just a story someone wrote that might have some moral application."
Rocky: "How can you be so sure."
Sandy: "You are so sure of your belief that a creator God made everything, and yet you can't answer every question either."
Rocky: "Just because I can't answer every question regarding God and the history of the world doesn't negate God's revelation. What He reveals is absolute but incomplete. For instance, by revelation, I know that God created the very good Heavens and the Earth and everything in them. I know, by revelation, that sin changed everything and is the source of death. God has not revealed how He did some things. So, we are comparing God's revelation to your story of Darwinism. The fact that my knowledge is very incomplete doesn't change revelation. The fact that your knowledge is very incomplete may cause you to wonder if your story is untrue."