The logical fallacy of mind reading occurs when the only possible source of the claim is mind reading. This is not to say that God cannot reveal what is in the mind of a person, in which case it is not mind reading; it is revelation. There are times when past conversations, body language, and other clues can give a pretty good indication of what a person is thinking, but it isn't usually wise to assume that such perceptions are an any way related to reality. Mind reading is often a method to create a straw man fallacy.
Bill Nye (during the debate with Ken Ham): To you, when it [the Bible] says, ‘He invented the stars also,’ that’s satisfying. You’re done. Oh! Good! To me, when I look at the night sky, I want to know what’s out there. I’m driven. I want to know if what’s out there is any part of me, and, indeed, it is. The, oh, by the way, I find compelling you are satisfied.