click here to learn more about being redeemed from sin and set free to serve God in spirit and in truth. click here to learn more about holiness click here to learn more about being changed into the same image click here to learn more about sowing and reaping click here to learn more about the free gift of righteousness. click here to learn more about how faith gives us access to grace and grace does the works. click here to learn more about faith and how it comes. click here to learn more about acknowledging Jesus click here to learn more about how God speaks Who will you listen to?  Click here to learn more. click here to learn more about the pattern of God. click here to learn more about the pattern of God for individuals, marriage, and family. click here to learn more about the pattern of God for the local church click here to learn more about the Church universal
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Bible Study Tool



The revelation that God has given to the apostles, the testimony of the Holy Spirit through Scripture itself, the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every follower of Christ, rational (sane) thought, scientific method, and any other measure other than the creative rationalizations (insane stories) of the skeptics, all confirm the historical, material, and spiritual accuracy of every part of Scripture from the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation.

The gospel (good news) that was written by the Holy Spirit through Luke.

1. angel tells that John the baptist will be born--angel tells that Jesus will be born--Mary visits Elizabeth--John the baptist is born--Zacharias prophesies--

2. Jesus is born--Jesus brought to the temple--Simeon and Amma--return to Nazareth--visit to Jerusalem

3. John the Baptist prophesies in the dessert--John baptizes Jesus--genealogy of Christ

4. Jesus tempted--Jesus' public ministry--many healings

5. the first disciples--the leper--the paralyzed man--Matthew

6. Jesus, Lord of Sabbath--twelve disciples chosen--beatitudes--foundations

7. Jesus heals the Centurion's servant--John the baptist's question--parable of two debtors

8. women supporting Jesus--parable of the sower--parable of the lamp--Jesus calms the sea--demon cast out of a man--healings

9. the twelve apostles sent out--5,000 fed--the transfiguration--greatness question--the cost

10. the seventy sent out--the good Samaritan--Martha and Mary

11. prayer--Jesus casting out demons, Pharisees attack--the sign of Jonah--woe to the Pharisees

12. leaven of Pharisees--fear only God--covetousness--be ready--men divided over Christ

13. repent--parable of the unfruitful fig tree--Jesus heals on the Sabbath--parable of the mustard seed--parable of the leaven--Jesus teaches in villages

14. Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath--parable of a guest who exalts himself and a guest who humbles himself--parable of the dinner--comparison of the relationship to Christ and any other relationship

15. lost sheep--parable of the lost coin--parable of the prodigal (wasteful) son

16. parable of the unrighteous steward--the story of the rich man and Lazarus

17. stumbling blocks/offenses--faith--submission and humility--Jesus heals 10 lepers--the days of the Son of Man foretold

18. parables about prayer--the Pharisee and the publican pray--the rich young ruler--Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus

19. Zaccheus comes to Christ--parable of the minas--triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem--Jesus drives buyers and sellers from the temple

20. leaders question authority of Jesus--parable of the vineyard and the vinegrowers--question of taxes--Sadducees question the resurrection

21. the widows gift (mite)--Jesus foretells tribulation, persecution, and the Son of Man coming--parable of the fig tree--warning to stay alert

22. the last supper (Passover)--argument and instruction on greatness--Garden of Gethsemane--Judas betrays Jesus--Jesus arrested--Jesus on trial before the Sanhedrin

23. Jesus on trial before Pilate--Jesus on trial before Herod--Pilate tries to let Jesus go but gives in to the will of the mob--Simon carries Jesus' cross--Jesus warns the daughters of Jerusalem--Jesus is crucified--Jesus is buried

24. Jesus is resurrected--Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus--Jesus appears to others--Jesus ascends into heaven

Last updated: Aug, 2013

Bible Calendar

Validity of Scripture

How We KNOW the Bible is Accurate

Bible Dictionary Prayer, Bible, Unity

God has established the pattern of Scripture, for life and for the Church.

The Entire Bible
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