Luke |
Bible Study ToolLuke |
The gospel (good news) that was written by the Holy Spirit through Luke. 1. angel tells that John the baptist will be born--angel tells that Jesus will be born--Mary visits Elizabeth--John the baptist is born--Zacharias prophesies-- 2. Jesus is born--Jesus brought to the temple--Simeon and Amma--return to Nazareth--visit to Jerusalem 3. John the Baptist prophesies in the dessert--John baptizes Jesus--genealogy of Christ 4. Jesus tempted--Jesus' public ministry--many healings 5. the first disciples--the leper--the paralyzed man--Matthew 6. Jesus, Lord of Sabbath--twelve disciples chosen--beatitudes--foundations 7. Jesus heals the Centurion's servant--John the baptist's question--parable of two debtors 8. women supporting Jesus--parable of the sower--parable of the lamp--Jesus calms the sea--demon cast out of a man--healings 9. the twelve apostles sent out--5,000 fed--the transfiguration--greatness question--the cost 10. the seventy sent out--the good Samaritan--Martha and Mary 11. prayer--Jesus casting out demons, Pharisees attack--the sign of Jonah--woe to the Pharisees 12. leaven of Pharisees--fear only God--covetousness--be ready--men divided over Christ 13. repent--parable of the unfruitful fig tree--Jesus heals on the Sabbath--parable of the mustard seed--parable of the leaven--Jesus teaches in villages 14. Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath--parable of a guest who exalts himself and a guest who humbles himself--parable of the dinner--comparison of the relationship to Christ and any other relationship 15. lost sheep--parable of the lost coin--parable of the prodigal (wasteful) son 16. parable of the unrighteous steward--the story of the rich man and Lazarus 17. stumbling blocks/offenses--faith--submission and humility--Jesus heals 10 lepers--the days of the Son of Man foretold 18. parables about prayer--the Pharisee and the publican pray--the rich young ruler--Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus 19. Zaccheus comes to Christ--parable of the minas--triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem--Jesus drives buyers and sellers from the temple 20. leaders question authority of Jesus--parable of the vineyard and the vinegrowers--question of taxes--Sadducees question the resurrection 21. the widows gift (mite)--Jesus foretells tribulation, persecution, and the Son of Man coming--parable of the fig tree--warning to stay alert 22. the last supper (Passover)--argument and instruction on greatness--Garden of Gethsemane--Judas betrays Jesus--Jesus arrested--Jesus on trial before the Sanhedrin 23. Jesus on trial before Pilate--Jesus on trial before Herod--Pilate tries to let Jesus go but gives in to the will of the mob--Simon carries Jesus' cross--Jesus warns the daughters of Jerusalem--Jesus is crucified--Jesus is buried 24. Jesus is resurrected--Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus--Jesus appears to others--Jesus ascends into heaven |
God has established the pattern of Scripture, for life and for the Church. |