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The revelation that God has given to the apostles, the testimony of the Holy Spirit through Scripture itself, the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every follower of Christ, rational (sane) thought, scientific method, and any other measure other than the creative rationalizations (insane stories) of the skeptics, all confirm the historical, material, and spiritual accuracy of every part of Scripture from the very beginning of Genesis to the very end of Revelation.

Children of Israel wander for 40 years in the wilderness.

1. Preparing to leave Sinai, the census

2. Arrangement of the tribes

3. Levites

4. Kohathites, Merarites, numbering Levite clans

5. purification of the camp, confessing ill-gotten property and restoration to original owner, test for suspected adulteress

6. the Nazirite, how priests are to bless

7. offerings of princes at the dedication of the temple

8. setting up the lamps, purification of the Levites, age limits for Levitical service

9. the second Passover, the fiery cloud over the Tabernacle

10. silver trumpets, leaving Sinai

11. Israelites complain, fire from the Lord. Israelites complain about manna--they want meat. God sets 70 elders and puts the same Spirit on them as He put on Moses. God gives the people meat, quail, and a plague.

12. Contention of Aaron and Miriam, God tells how He reveals--that there is a difference between prophets, God strikes Miriam with leprosy, Moses intercedes for Miriam

13. twelve spies explore Canaan, 10 are afraid of giants, Caleb and Joshua are faitful

14. the Israelites rebel, God announces judgment: they cannot take the land now, the Israelites now decide to go take the land but are defeated

15. Additional offerings, sin offerings, a Sabbath-breaker put to death, tassels

16. Korah's rebellion, punishment of the clans that rebelled,

17. instructions regarding the censors of the rebels, Aaron's staff, sacred things

18. Responsibilities of priests and Levites

19. Red Heifer, cleansing, ashes

20. Miriam dies, water from the rock at Kadesh, Moses and Aaron sin, Edom won't let Israel pass, Aaron dies

21. Arad destroyed, Israelites complain against God and Moses, God sends a plague of serpents, the bronze serpent, look and live, journey around Moab, Sihon and Og defeated

22. Balaam and Balak, the donkey speaks, Balaam cannot curse Israel

23. Balaam's first, second, and third oracles in which he cannot curse Israel

24. Balaam's fourth, and fifth oracles in which he cannot curse Israel

25. Israelite men commit sexual immorality with Moabite women.

26. The people are numbered a second time

27. God clarifies the laws of inheritance. Joshua is to succeed Moses.

28. Offerings: daily, Sabbath, and monthly; The Feast of Tabernacles; The Feast of Weeks

29. Feast of Trumpets; Day of Atonement; Feast of Tabernacles

30. Vows

31. Vengeance on the Mideanites; spoils and captives; purification after battle

32. Gad and Reuben

33. Nearing the end of the journey

34. Inheritance in Canaan

35. Levites; cities of refuge

36. Clarification of inheritance

Last updated: Jan, 2013

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