Ephesians |
Bible Study ToolEphesians |
Paul's letter to the Ephesians. 1. Paul, an apostle--blessed with spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ--the mystery and the gathering together of all things in Christ--appointed ahead of time--waiting for the redemption after the purchase--prayer for revelation 2. previously dead to God--now alive to God--His workmanship created in Christ to good works that God previously appointed us to walk in those good works--foundation: the apostles and prophets who are built on Christ, the chief corner stone 3. the mystery revealed to His holy apostles and prophets--God's wisdom shown to principalities and powers by the church--God's purpose--to be filled with the fullness of God 4. unity and oneness--apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers equip saints for ministry until unity as one complete, mature man, the fullness of Christ--that which every joint supplies building up the body--put off the old man and put on the New Man--don't grieve the Holy Spirit 5. followers of God walking in love--warning against sin: those who do these things have no inheritance in the Kingdom--children of light--submit to one another--wives submit to your husbands--husbands love your wives--marriage compared to Christ and the Church 6. children obey your parents--workers obey those set over you--we wrestle against principalities and powers--the whole armor of God--prayer for boldness--conclusion |
God has established the pattern of Scripture, for life and for the Church. |