Post Modernism is a final desperate attempt to imagine or suppose a world without God. Modernism rejected revelation and embraced rational thought. PostModernism rejects both revelation and rational thought. PostModernism is not modern at all--it goes right back to the Garden of Eden and asks the question: Has God really said? This cult thought system may seem to be very sophisticated, but it is a simple-minded attempt to use self-refuting arguments to push the will of the Post Modernist onto the person who believes that absolute truth exists.
Sadly, Post Modern thinking works its way into the Church as well as the world. We see this every time a Christian says that the Bible does not mean what it says. We see this every time a theologian claims that God no longer reveals, since the basis of all knowledge must either be revelation or else speculation. If there really were no revelation, then Post Modernism would be the only logical conclusion. However, God does reveal. No one can understand Scripture without revelation.
Under Post-Modernism and Chaos Theory, there is no need for internal consistency. Parts of understanding can be compartmentalized, using differing assumptions that are needed to prove each compartmentalized part. You see, there is no right or wrong under Post Modernism, but all things are relative. There are only winners and losers.
Under Post-Modernism, wisdom is defined as imagination, creativity, ability to persuade, and the ability to win.
Post-Modernism is rooted in the notion that nothing (or very little) can be known, there is no truth, there is no lie, there are only winners and losers. The advice of Post-Modernism is, "Be a winner."
Every effort is made, by Post-Modernists, to make it impossible to know who is lying and who is telling the truth. Light is put for darkness and darkness is put for light. Evil is called, good. Good is called evil.
Post Modernism is intolerant of anyone who believes in such things as an absolute God, absolute truth, or absolute morals. They are intolerant of those who believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God without error.
Post Modernists are increasingly seeing faith in Jesus Christ as evil and working toward coercive solutions using governments, the media, the government schools, credentials, economic sanctions, the courts, and any other means at their disposal to coerce Christians and to stop the gospel from being proclaimed.
Post Modernism is now controlling most of what is called public education.
Ungodly people are forced to hold on tightly to some basic presuppositions. These presuppositions are just simple-minded assumptions. They are filters and a way to censor out any information that supports the existence of God. They set up a web of rules to filter out God. They will only accept those things that conform to Naturalism, materialism, and uniformitarianism. Naturalism claims that God does nothing. Materialism claims that there is no God or spiritual realm. Uniformitarianism claims that there was not creation and that there was no violent worldwide flood, as the Bible and numerous other historical accounts record. Whatever they observe that does not conform to this complex filter is censored. The way that it is censored can take several forms. The ungodly may boldly proclaim that, though the data appears to support God's version and refute the version of the ungodly, yet it still must be interpreted to mean just the opposite of what it does mean. A backup method that ungodly people use is to prophecy that in the future, science will be able to explain what they see as an anomaly. If that fails, they will hide the data, set it aside, or lie to keep the public from knowing the truth. The data clearly demolishes the story of the ungodly and clearly supports the reality of the Creator God, His Bible, and His abiding Presence in His people. When confronted with the obvious, a closed-minded ungodly person says, "I can't understand it." They are willingly ignorant because they refuse to hold God in their knowledge. The reality is that these people, for whatever reason, don't what to know the Creator. They don't want to truly know Jesus, their Creator.
While Post-Modernism is based on a bold lie that proceeds out of the human mind which is a slave to Satan, Christianity is based on Jesus Christ, the Living Christ, Who reveals Himself to the Christian on an ongoing basis. Believer's have the supernatural trust that is a gift from God. By this trust, we see Jesus and hear His Voice. It is Jesus Himself who reveals to us that the Bible is His Word, His Utterance. And it is Jesus Himself Who speaks to us through His Word. Jesus speaks to us through many different means: Scripture, intuition, bringing Scripture to our remembrance, apostles, prophets, etc. When God speaks to us, faith comes and with faith comes a vision of hope. This vision shows us who we are in Christ in an ever-more-clear understanding. When God speaks, He instructs us what to think, what to say, and what to do. Then, He does the work through us by His grace, His free gift of righteousness. This righteousness of God in us is the moving of the Holy Spirit that transfigures us from glory to glory to be like Jesus, killing our fleshly nature and causing Christ to be more fully formed in us. And this death to self, to the old adamic sin nature, and building up of Christ is the very thing that redeems us, sets us free from slavery to the fleshly nature, to Satan, to the pressures of the world, and to death. (some caveats about hearing God's Voice)
Followers of Christ have a potential in Christ to fulfill the purpose that God has ordained for them to fulfill. They can do this only one way, by submission to the Spirit of Christ. Christ leads. They follow the leading of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. God changes them. No amount of self-effort can help in this project. Followers of Christ receive Jesus Christ as the only Creator of the Universe, the God Who created them and their only Savior from bondage to sin.
Some Christians have, either on purpose or by just drifting, inserted parts of Post Modernism into their walk with Jesus. They tried to make it compatible with Christ. The little changes, however, caused these followers of Christ to stop following Christ and instead they ended up in spiritual bondage.
God's plan for this hour is not to make all religions and philosophies get along. His plan is to have a people, a remnant company, who continue to discover Him, to walk with Him until they come into perfect unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to one totally complete man (the Body of Christ and the Head, Jesus), to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
You know that you were created for more than you are experiencing. If you continue to think like you always thought, you will continue to get what you always got. Is it enough? Read more.Read even more.
Post Modernism follows a great variety of gods.God hates a lie, so God will always oppose Post Modernism, which legitimizes lying.
There is one triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect unity yet distinct persons within that unity. God is creator of the universe and everything in it. He is all-present, all-knowing, all-powerful. All that is good comes from God. Jesus is God. The Father is God. The Holy Spirit is God. They are three persons and one God.
Walking with Jesus is based on the God of the Bible. The Bible speaks of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The full name of Jesus is Lord, Jesus, Christ. Lord refers to the Father. Jesus said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father. Jesus means savior, because He came to save us from our sins. God Himself paid our price for us that His holy righteousness would be fulfilled and so that He could restore us to Himself. Christ is a synonym for Messiah or Anointed One. Christ will always be the only Anointed One. The Anointing Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit. The word, trinity, is not in the Bible, but the three persons of the trinity are very plain throughout the Bible. Christians have an ongoing experience with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is what it means to be a Christian. Whoever will may come.
Following Christ is based on knowing Jesus personally. Christians believe Jesus when He tells them that it is in Him alone that they can find life, peace, joy, fulfillment, love, righteousness, and every other good thing. They believe Jesus when He tells them that rejecting Him as their one and only God is the most serious sin that could be committed--the sin against the first commandment.
Walking in this Way, that is, following Jesus, would make no sense at all if Jesus were not God.
A called-out person's life is all about a relationship with God. This relationship is very close and personal. It is a relationship of submission to the Holy Spirit. The human mind was never created to be operated without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing through it with the human mind in complete submission. The same is true of the body. Spiritual death is defined as a condition where the human spirit, mind, or body is not in complete submission to the Holy Spirit.
Post Modernism is diametrically opposed to Jesus and all truth, including even the idea that there is truth.It is intolerant of the idea that absolute truth exists.
Called-out followers of Jesus know by revelation that Jesus is God. God is One, yet God is plural. There are three persons in One God. The unity between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is beyond what the human mind can comprehend. Jesus, Son of God, one person of the one triune God, so joined to the Father that His name is Father, yet in submission to the Father. He is Savior, Lord, and Anointed one (Christ). Eternal God and incarnated as man. In him is hidden all knowledge. Without Him, we can do nothing. He lives in the hearts of those who have received His redemption and gives them strength to endure all things and walk in holiness. Jesus is the Truth, and the Bible testifies of Him. If you have Jesus, then you have the Father. If you don't have Jesus, then you don't have the Father. Jesus is wisdom, and without Him, there is no wisdom. In the same way, God is love, so Jesus is love. He is peace. He is joy. All knowledge is hidden in Him.
Jesus is the one and only unique Son of God Who is bringing many sons into glory. Christianity is based on knowing Jesus personally. Christians believe Jesus when He tells them that it is in Him alone that they can find life, peace, joy, fulfillment, love, righteousness, and every other good thing. They believe Jesus when He tells them that rejecting Him as their one and only God is the most serious sin that could be committed--the sin against the first commandment. Jesus said: He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me. Luke 10:16 Jesus saith to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me. John 14:6
True Christianity is not a religion but rather a living experience with the living Jesus. It is a moment-by-moment experience of the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ) guiding and directing the Christian and the Christian either contending with God or submitting to the Holy Spirit. If the Christian contends, he or she becomes less mature in Christ. If the Christian submits, he or she has actually simply entered into the sabbath rest to let God do His work through them. When a Christian submits, faith comes. Faith is supernatural belief that God will do what He has just led the Christian to do. At that moment, the Christian has access into the grace of God, which is God's free gift. Righteousness is the free gift of God and the righteousness of God then flows to the Christian. If the Christian will submit his or her members to the Spirit of God, then God does His righteousness through the Christian. The Christian does the work, yet it is not the Christian but Christ in the Christian doing the work. When God does His righteousness through the Christian, this plants holy seed into the heart of the Christian. The old sinful person, the flesh dies a little bit each time. The Christ within is built up. This holy seed grows in the heart and brings more fruit, which, in turn, plants more holy seed. At the same time, the Christian is set free from sin in some measure--this is the meaning of the word, redemption. This is the relationship that God desires to have with every person. This process proceeds through the Body of Christ. Each member of the Body of Christ, each Christian, is a manifestation of the living Christ in the Earth. Each member is being fitted for a specific place of service within this Body, and the Body of Christ continues to grow until the full manifestation of the sons of God takes place at the end of the age.
True Christianity depends on the revelation that Jesus is God. Only God could pay the price for the sin of every person who ever lived or will live. A Christian's life is all about a relationship with the One Almighty Creator God, the God Who is Love. This relationship is very close and personal. It is a relationship of submission to the Holy Spirit. The human mind was never created to be operated without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing through it with the human mind in complete submission. The same is true of the body. Spiritual death is defined as a condition where the human spirit, mind, or body is not in complete submission to the Holy Spirit.
God has revealed that He is a loving forgiving, but totally righteous, God. Christians have been forgiven for their sins because of the blood of Jesus. Jesus paid the price of the sins of every person. The Christian is required to see reality, that is, to have the humility to realize that they have fallen short of the glory of God and that they need the Savior to deliver them. And Christians no longer are forced to continually obey their own flesh so that even their own self-righteousness is as filthy rags. Christians can yield to the Holy Spirit and allow God to do His righteousness through them. God does not force Christians to yield, however. Many Christians are born again and remain as babes in Christ, but they will not be found among the faithful. Some Christians attempt in vain to establish their own righteousness, a self-righteousness, and so they are unable to receive the free gift of righteousness that comes from the throne of God, but they will not be found among the faithful. If Christians willingly abandon their self-righteousness and self-dependence and believe God rather than their own understanding, and if they stop contending against Jesus but rather accept Him and His free gift, then God will totally deliver them at the end of this present age. If a Christian dies in the meantime, they are together with Christ in glory and they join that great cloud of witnesses who have been faithful but have not yet obtained the promise.
Those who receive God's salvation are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Christians know that they have received the free gift (grace) of forgiveness of sins. Christians can know that they are going to heaven because of the goodness of God. All that is required is that a person not reject the free gift.
Post Modernism looks on the works of Jesus as immaterial or just one more lie.All is a lie under Post Modernism. In Post Modernism, there is no lie or truth. In other words, all is a lie. All things are relative.
Jesus lived a holy life without sin, died as a substitution for us, descended into hell and rose again in three days, and ascended into Heaven to save us from sin, death, and the power of Satan. He conquered sin, sickness and death on the cross. Jesus now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. He is the only source of forgiveness or access to the Father. Those who don't except His work are not accepting the Father and are dooming themselves to judgment. Jesus works in the lives of believers, helping us to apply and take advantage of His victory in our lives through the Holy Spirit and helping us to grow in Christ. Jesus Christ will, in God's appointed time, return to the earth to raise the dead, judge and rule over the nations with His Church, the Body of Christ, in His everlasting Kingdom.
The human mind is the only authority, the imagination of each person.The Post Modern scholars and theologians are often held up as authorities.The bottom line is that nothing and no one has any real authority, because, in the mind of the Post Modernist, there is no truth.
For the Post Modernist, all of the above are true at once even though they are conflicting ideas.You may say that this is insane, and it is.
The Bible (Old & New Testaments) as revealed to the hearts and minds of believers by the power of the Spirit but not by the corrupt natural human mind, is the unique, revealed, factual, accurate, & inspired Word of God, the sole authoritative writing for faith & practice. The teachings of the Bible have been shown to be absolutely accurate in every way by every test possible. God speaks directly through the Bible, creation, the conscience, and other believers. When God speaks, He never conflicts with his revealed Word in the Bible and never conflicts with His creation. God reveals and gives the interpretation of Scripture. God forbids any human speculation, imagination, assumption, presumption, presupposition, rationalization, or anything else that adds to or takes from Scripture. The Scripture is very clear in stating that the human mind is evil, deceptive, and untrustworthy to the point that our own minds can deceive us. The battle is for the mind with Satan and the flesh on the one side and the Holy Spirit joined to the redeemed human spirit on the other side. The church, as it is defined in the Bible, has authority. The human-designed deviations from the Scriptural church dilute this authority. Within the church, there are gifts, offices, and ministries, all of whom have a Bible-defined authority. Scripture defines those who have authority to receive the interpretation of the Bible and administer doctrine to the church. God has declared that there is one and only one truth. Truth is not relative but it is very precise and tangible. Truth is found in Jesus Christ. Whatever God has not revealed and led in is sin. Each Christian, and also every unsaved person, is responsible to find God through Jesus Christ. Whoever seeks Him does find Him. He does speak to them. While the Bible has definitive truth, the Bible is not God. God must reveal the meaning of the Bible to His people. His primary authority for interpreting the Bible is through apostles. Because of the spiritual war that is currently raging, Satan introduces counterfeits of every reality, so Satan introduces false apostles. However, God assures us that we can know the difference by the Spirit of God. The false apostles will give themselves away by their works.
To the Post Modernist, humanity is meaningless and of no value, in the final analysis.Each person seeks his or her own pleasure.There is no purpose to life.
For a Post Modernist, it's about winning. There is no truth or error--only winners and losers. Presentation of the argument is all-important because Post-Modernism is about winning.
Men and women were created by God, and that, at the time of their creation, they were good--as was everything else. At that time, God set man in authority over the rest of creation. The followers of Christ realize that they were created to be joined to Jesus Christ, to have a continual flow of the Anointing of His Holy Spirit through them so that the Spirit will continually lead them and the Creator will do His work through them. The followers of Christ know that man obeyed Satan and became servant of Satan, and in this way, brought all creation under the control of Satan, so humans, in their natural state, are totally corrupted and in slavery to Satan and sin. This fall into sin separated man from God. Outside of the salvation that God has given through Christ, there is no hope for any person to do righteousness. Humanity is lost in sin and the result is death. The mind of man has been corrupted by the fall and is deceitful and desperately wicked. Each person is a trinity, body, soul, and spirit, and is dead to God, body, soul, and spirit, unless joined to God through trusting in the work of Jesus. The followers of Christ are set free from slavery to their own desires. God is working with followers of Christ through faith to untangle many lies that come from the father of all lies. If they listen, God will set them completely free, that is, redeem them. Those who are following Christ are redeemed in their spirits, having a close relationship with the Holy Spirit as they worship in spirit and in truth. The current battle is to redeem the mind. The final redemption will the redemption of the body spoken of in Romans and 1 Corinthians. The Bible teaches that man (and woman) is a three-part entity, spirit, soul, and body. The soul is the mind, life, and heart--these are synonyms. The human spirit and the human soul were never created to operate outside of a union with God.
Post Modernists see those who believe in the absolute God as being a problem.
They are increasingly seeing faith in Jesus Christ as evil.
The human problem has been stated, by Post Modernists, as the question of how and when to commit suicide.For others, it's the question of how to gain the maximum pleasure or how to win.
p>The problem is sin. Sin is anything that is not done in response to the leading of God, that is not done by God's miraculous righteousness working through us, or both. In the Garden of Eden, this took the form of Eve believing and obeying the serpent rather than God. In other words, whenever a man or woman sets out to establish their own righteousness, this is sin.
Sin is human will that is not in submission to God's will. All sin is a lack of love, because God is love. All righteousness is a free gift from God. Those who reject Jesus do so because they don't want the righteousness of God. When the law is understood, with it's many just and holy commandments, it is the manifestation of God in His people. This active work of sin has continued in all of mankind until today.
The Bible teaches that human beings are sold into sin, slaves of Satan and must be bought back out of slavery by the blood of Christ. Christians are fully aware of the totally lost condition of all human beings, the inability of human beings to do good works, and the one Holy Creator God's great gift of giving His one and only way of salvation through acceptance of the atoning work of His one, unique Son, Jesus Christ. Christians do not miss all the benefits of holiness, righteousness, peace, glory, love, and joy that can only be found through Jesus. Christians are those who do not rebel against God and His free salvation, which is through Christ. Christians choose heaven rather than hell.
Sin is failure to obey God, but sin is much more. God created man in a certain way to be guided by the Spirit of God by grace through faith. Whatever does not follow this pattern of guidance is sin.
God is love, and sin is the lack of Love. God has a will and is a personal God. Sin is self-will or obedience to other spirits. Humanity was designed to be completely filled with the fullness of God at all times. God desires to lead us at every moment in every detail. He desires that we hear His voice and respond in submission. We were created for this. We were created to respond by yielding to the Spirit of God and allowing God to do His works through us.
The problem is that, since the fall, humanity is hopelessly in slavery to Satan and cut off from God, and all creation has been corrupted by sin. That is the reason that death, sorrow, sickness, and trouble exists.
True Christianity teaches that human beings are sold into sin, slaves of Satan and must be bought back out of slavery by the blood of Christ. true Christians are fully aware of the totally lost condition of all human beings, the inability of human beings to do good works, and the one Holy Creator God's great gift of giving His one and only way of salvation through acceptance of the atoning work of His one, unique Son, Jesus Christ. Christians do not miss all the benefits of holiness, righteousness, peace, glory, love, and joy that can only be found through Jesus. Christians are those who do not rebel against God and His free salvation, which is through Christ. Christians choose heaven rather than hell.
A true Christian's life is all about a relationship with God. This relationship is very close and personal. It is a relationship of submission to the Holy Spirit. The human mind was never created to be operated without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing through it with the human mind in complete submission. The same is true of the body. Spiritual death is defined as a condition where the human spirit, mind, or body is not in complete submission to the Holy Spirit.
Post Modernism's Worldview of the Solution to the Human Problem
The most important solution that Post Modernists are working toward is to eliminate all faith in God.
They are increasingly seeing faith in Jesus Christ as evil and working toward coercive solutions using governments, the media, the government schools, credentials, economic sanctions, the courts, and any other means at their disposal.
Self-satisfaction is the goal.
Salvation from humanity's sin and depravity requires forgiveness from God. This forgiveness results in the New Birth. Forgiveness and being born again are, and can only be, attained through faith in Jesus Christ, God's Son, and in His efficacious death on the cross of Calvary and His resurrection from the dead. Without being born again, no one can see, or enter the Kingdom of God. Everyone who has faith in Jesus Christ is born again, and that no other action, gift, baptism, or any other such thing is needed for a person to be born again. When a person is born again they are a member of the Church--the Church is the called out Body of Christ made up of the ministries of all the believers.
Righteousness is a free gift from God and that it is part of our salvation. Faith gives us access into grace, the free gift. The free gift includes both forgiveness and righteousness. Righteousness is obtained by drawing near to God and yielding to God.
Righteousness is in the moment. It is the flow of God's love through a human being. Holiness/Sanctification is the establishment of God's righteousness in the mind/soul of a person. Holiness is established by submission to the righteousness of God. Holiness represents a stability in the heart; it is a permanent transformation. Holiness is progressive as we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Redemption is also progressive. Redemption is being set free from sin. Redemption is being set free to serve God.
For a Christian who is following Christ, Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is an ongoing relationship. It is an unfolding revelation of the living Christ. Jesus is the only source of righteousness. As a Christian yields to Jesus, the Holy Spirit both leads that Christian into righteousness and also does the righteousness of God through the Christian. This leads to holiness and also to redemption from slavery to sin. Yielding to sin, even for Christians, brings bondage to sin. Sin is habit-forming, but so is the righteousness that is only available through Jesus--the works He does through you.
Salvation is a process that begins with being born again and progresses from glory to ever increasing glory. Salvation is by God's free gift and God's free gift is received through believing and receiving God. God is love, so to receive God is to receive love. Love is righteousness and the fulfillment of the law. When we yield to God, His love does His righteousness through us and fulfills all of God's law. God's love and revelation is always in complete harmony with the Bible, God's word. This is the way in which we are born again into the Kingdom of God. And this is the way in which we proceed from glory to glory to the manifestation of the sons of God, the redemption of our bodies, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Post Modernism's Worldview of Ethics, Values, and Morals
The one rule of Post Modernism is that it is wrong to believe in absolutes.That is a self-refuting statement.If it were wrong to believe in absolutes, then it would be wrong to believe that it is wrong to believe in absolutes.
Post Modernists also believe that ethics are merely a tool to manipulate other people, and they see no reason not to use that tool.
A redefined version of "tolerance" is one of Post Modernism's major ethical foundations.They redefine "tolerance" to mean that every view must be tolerated except for the Biblical Christian view.In fact, they are becoming more violent in opposing the Biblical Christian view and in opposing the belief in absolutes.
They say that it's wrong and bigoted to believe that absolutes exist.Of course, that is a self-refuting statement.If that statement were true, then it would be wrong to make such a statement.
They say that it is intolerant to have saving faith in Jesus Christ as it is defined in the Bible.
God gave his law on Sinai, and His law is holy and just and good, but human beings are not able to obey His law. As a result, no one can earn salvation.
Salvation brings works, not the other way around. We are saved to good works; good works cannot bring salvation. Good works are a gift from God. They are, in fact, God Himself doing His work through us, and that is only available to the saved.
Because the believer has been born again into God's family, God speaks the word of faith into the heart of the believer. Then, God gives the power to believe and to discern the voice of God from other voices. God gives the power both to will and to do His good pleasure. He actually does the work-it is His grace (free gift) doing the work in the believer. Then, He rewards the believer as if the believer had done something.
Salvation is free in Christ Jesus.
The law can be summed up in one word, love. So when someone commits adultery this is the opposite of love. Satan, for the sake of confusion, calls adultery love, but it is just the opposite. The same is true of envy, murder, covetousness, disrespect for parents, perversion, or any other part of God's law.
For those who have been born again, the law is being written on their hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit now becomes the One who guides them and gives them power both to will and to do God's good pleasure. No one can obey God unless it is God both giving them the will do good and also doing the good works though them.
The Bible is given as an authoritative guide to the truth, and the Holy Spirit teaches us when we read the Bible, provided we ask for leading and believe that we will receive it.
The Holy Spirit teaches that the Bible gives us the order for the church and the order of the church is also given for guidance in interpreting the Bible and for understanding what is right and what is wrong
In the mind of the Post Modernist, there is no truth regarding this or anything else.At the same time, Post Modernists tend to deny the existence of Hell or Heaven or God.
There is a life hereafter: heaven for the righteous, hell for the wicked and rebellious. God Himself is the only One Who makes this judgment.
Resurrection and judgment of all will take place on the day appointed by God. The saved will have everlasting fellowship with the Creator God. Those who have persisted in unbelief will receive judgment according to God's wisdom.
God's judgment is continual also during life. God's judgments are remedial, though they can be very severe. God has no pleasure in correcting anyone through His judgment. God's judgment starts with gentle leading, speaking to each person who lives. If that person receives the direction of God, they will first receive supernatural belief in Jesus as Savior to deliver them from both the punishment for their sins and to also deliver them from their sins. From their, God will lead them from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord. The path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more until that day when Christ is fully and completely formed in the members of the Body of Christ as they flow into that total unity with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God uses punishment as a way to bring those He loves to Himself. For those who are not obedient to the Spirit of God, it becomes more difficult.
Even now, Jesus is the resurrection and the life and we can partake of his life to a degree.